
Ingrid Fries



Why do people feel comfortable in a place? When entering a building quietly, emotional issues and deadlocked structures jump out at me. Too perfect an environment can paralyze creativity, reminds us of a furniture exhibition. An ensouled environment lets people keep moving and somehow seems imperfect but touches our senses. A challenge is to find the comfortable measure and the famous balance. It is exciting to grasp these, steer them in new directions and show solutions. If I no longer feel comfortable and think something is wrong, I turn my little house upside down, change the intended purpose of the rooms and lo and behold, some things feel better. Deadlocked structures are broken up and life goes in the intended direction. Of course, it is more constructive to support this complex and exciting transformation with well-founded, professional knowledge of Feng Shui calculations. The master's consultation includes the analysis of health and life issues based on the "flying stars".


Knowledge alone is not enough, only action produces results.


Small changes will bring the good levels to the better, and stagnant tasks will be solved. As soon as someone from outside finds out where the stagnation is, where it is and what area of ​​life it affects, the start of a change has already been made. Corrections with colors and elements support this process. What the TCM therapist in acupuncture triggers with a needle on the meridians of the human body is supported with Feng Shui in space. The deadlocked structures are dissolved and the learning process for a supportive life phase is triggered.


Why Feng Shui?

I feel at home in Eastern philosophy. The pictorial representation of nature and the holistic way of thinking is also mine. Tai Chi and Qi Gong, nutrition of the 5 elements are right for me. Of course, this also includes the "earth prophecy" Feng Shui - we call it geomancy. A professional Feng Shui consultation with me in the 140m2 apartment got me on the way. The KAN Careers section contained a blockage. Blue paint was needed and I started painting the wall a light blue. A process in me was stimulated and I knew that Feng Shui is my passion. Just two weeks later I was sitting in the INFIS class. What a coincidence the course started at exactly the right time. "A path is made by walking it". Many things were so exciting during the training. I learned some things but couldn't integrate them because we don't live in China 3000 years ago but in Europe in the 21st century. And it works.


As a clerk in various companies, I have found that there are jobs where you feel more comfortable and work better. Ever since I completed my training with André Pasteur, I know and understand why this is so.

The changing needs of parents with children are an exciting challenge for their home. As a mother of three children, I know the alternating needs. Nourish the roots - if the parents or the head of a company are doing well, everyone is doing wonderfully. I can empathetically and easily design a solution for you in various situations.


The holistic master training INFIS with conclusion 2009 includes all levels of perception:

  • the visual perception

  • the calculation of energy qualities

  • intuitive approach and psychology of Feng Shui

  • recognizing and handling rod and pendulum


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