
What is Feng Shui

Feng Shui in the workplace

Harmonizes the working atmosphere and increases creativity. Employees use their full potential and the rich energies of the environment. Exhausting situations such as conflicts or stress are reduced to a minimum. Feng Shui can make a significant contribution to a successful, innovative and profitable work and personal career.

Feng Shui at home

A harmonious environment in harmony with the forces of nature and the earth's magnetic field will help you to relax and gain new strength. With forms, materials and colors you strengthen the positive energies. Potentials and individual learning topics are shown by the "Flying Stars".

Feng Shui in the garden

This is where the effect of Feng Shui can be seen quite clearly. Plants grow better, well-placed water points such as ponds, pools and watercourses bring harmony to your garden, invite you to relax and give off plenty of energy.

From the San He school we take the best places for water, rocks, plants or open spaces.

Feng Shui in the new building

An optimal alignment of the building allows a perfect use of the earth's energy. To do this, we consider macro and micro patterns, determine the potential of the building and how it best sits in the landscape. Use the interaction between the house and the earth's magnetic field to your benefit.


Feng Shui for you

Feng Shui is aimed at everyone who wants to break up deadlocked structures and break new ground into a harmonious, happy and successful future.

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